
man working out in Ardha Hanumanasana or Half Monkey God Posture

Could People with Chronic Pain Feel Better By Simply Learning How Pain Works?

Chronic or persistent pain is debilitating and affects between 11 and 40 percent of the USA’s adult population. It is associated with depression, opioid dependency, disability, and anxiety. Chronic pain causes significant silent suffering and impacts a myriad of life’s responsibilities: work family relationships social relationships finances Pain that persists is complicated and unique to

Could People with Chronic Pain Feel Better By Simply Learning How Pain Works? Read More »

Spiritual accessories and yoga meditation

Why do yogi’s chant Aum?

Aum is often called the “sound of the universe”. The vibration that resonates in your body when you chant has physical and physiological benefits! It can bring a sense of calm and focus, it can decrease blood pressure, increase relaxation, and the vibration can give a little massage to your chest, throat and head. There

Why do yogi’s chant Aum? Read More »

group of people doing yoga dog pose at studio

What are the benefits of heart-opening yoga poses?

Our physical posture also effects our thoughts, feelings, the image we have of ourselves, and the subsequent responses we receive from others. Our nervous system gets feedback from our muscles, bones, lungs and viscera. We have millions of receptors in our muscles, tendons and joints sending a steady stream of messages to our brain and nervous system about the way we carry and move our bodies.

What are the benefits of heart-opening yoga poses? Read More »

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